Waste Recovery Facility users will require an access card as of April 1. Please see Waste Recovery Facilities tab for details.

ERSB Board of Directors will meet Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at 7:00 p.m at The Capital Hotel on Kenmount Road in St. John’s.

Find answers to our most common questions.

Curbside Garbage and Recycling

Why wasn’t my garbage collected?
There are a number of reasons why your garbage may not have been collected. Look for an orange sticker for specific details on why your garbage was rejected:

  • Not placed at the curb on time
  • Exceeded the maximum weight
  • Bag was broke open and/or not tied
  • Exceeded the number of allowable bags limit
  • Garbage box was not accessible
  • Located too far away from the curb
  • Included a bulk item

What time does my garbage get collected on scheduled day?
Garbage must be placed at the curb no later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of collection. Garbage maybe be collected anytime beginning at 7:00 a.m.

Why is the cover on my box left open?
Closing lids increases the risk of injury to our valued contractors. As part of our commitment to ensuring Occupational Health and Safety, Contractors have been asked to leave the covers open.

Will the truck come back to collect my garbage if it was missed?
Please contact us to report a missed collection. The contractor will collect on the next scheduled collection day.

Why wasn't my recycling collected?
There are a number of reasons why your recycling may not have been collected:

  • Not sorted properly
  • Not in a blue bag
  • Not placed at the curb on time

Check the orange sticker for specific details on why your garbage was rejected.

What type of bags do I use for curbside collection?

• ERSB customers now place their household garbage out for collection in clear, standard- sized plastic garbage bags.

• Optional— each household may use one (1) privacy bag per week. Recyclables must be placed in a transparent blue bag.

How do I report a missed collection?
Contact us and provide your community and civic address or description of your property.

Waste Recovery Facilities

Why can’t I use a double-axle trailer?

In our 2015 review of Waste Recovery Facilities, we determined that these types of trailers did not allow for materials to be offloaded and sorted by hand, which is critical to the maintenance of our facilities.

Do I have to sort the waste I’m bringing to the waste recovery facility?
We are currently recommending pre-sorting materials so they may be offloaded in 10 minutes or less and help maintain our social distancing measures.

If my neighbour doesn't have a vehicle, can I bring items for them?
Yes, of course. We love good neighbours! Our system does track visits by the license plate number of the vehicle, so just be aware that your good deed will count as a visit for that vehicle.

Oversized Item Curbside Collection

When is my bulk pick-up day?
Bulk garbage pick-up varies by community throughout the region. Check your collection calendar to find which day applies to you.

When do I place my bulk items on the curb?
All bulk items must be placed at the curb or roadside by 7:00 am on the date indicated in your calendar. Please note, metal should be separated from other household items (like furniture) when placed at the curb.

Why aren’t my bulk items picked up on the date listed in my calendar?
It may take a few days for bulk items to be collected from all residences. Not all materials will necessarily be collected at once—for example, furniture may be collected on day one and metal collected the following day. It’s still important that all material is placed at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on the day collection begins.

How many bulk items can be collected from one property?
A limit of 500 lbs/226 kgs or one pick up load (whichever is less) will be collected from each household. Please note that individual items should be a maximum of 45 lbs/20 kgs.

Why are my electronics not collected during bulk collection?
Electronics are not collected curbside. In the Eastern region, electronics can be recycled free of charge through Electronic Products Recycling Association (ERPA). Find more information on drop-off centres and recycling electronics at recyclemyelectronics.ca/nl.

Why were some of my items left behind?
There are a number of reasons why your materials may have been left behind:

  • Items were scattered
  • Items too large for pick-up truck
  • Included items that are not accepted

Household Hazardous Waste

Where can I bring my hazardous waste?
Residents can bring Household Hazardous Waste to any local collection event or to the Household Hazardous Waste Depot at the Robin Hood Bay Landfill.

Who can take material to the Household Hazardous Waste facility?
Any resident of the eastern region can use the Household Hazardous Waste Depot at the Robin Hood Bay Public Drop-off. This facility is not for private businesses or other organizations. Visit robinhoodbay.ca for details.

Why do I have to wait in line?
It’s important that HHW is collected and disposed of properly. Materials must be sorted and identified properly. Please be patient with us—we’re working as quickly as we can to keep you and our employees safe.

What happens to Household Hazardous Waste?
After HHW materials are collected, they are sorted and put in special containers. These containers are then transported to facilities where the materials can be recycled, whenever possible, or disposed of properly.

What should I do with my household hazardous materials?
If you can, use up the remaining product or see if a friend, neighbour, family member, or community group could use it. If you can’t use it up, make sure you dispose of it properly.

Many household hazardous materials such as motor oil, antifreeze, and automobile batteries can be recycled. Other materials such as latex paint can be recovered and used by others. In Newfoundland and Labrador, you can return used lubricating, crankcase, and gear oil, as well as transmission fluid.

You can bring used lubricating oil to a return facility or point of purchase, free of charge.

Car wax and oil-based or unusable paint can be dried in small quantities. After air-drying these types of products, double wrap the container in newspaper and throw it out in the regular trash or save it and bring it to one of our special collection days.

Why can’t I put my chemicals in with my regular garbage?
Regular household waste is collected at the curb and loaded onto a truck where it is compacted immediately. If a hazardous substance is leaked, it could ignite or explode in the collection truck, which is extremely dangerous. If a hazardous chemical isn't properly disposed of, it can get into ground water, streams, ponds, or the ocean.

What is the safest way to transport waste from my home?
Here are a few tips on how to safely transport hazardous waste:

  • Use gloves when handling hazardous chemicals.
  • Keep chemicals in their original containers.
  • Ensure containers are clearly labelled and well sealed. Attach your own label if the label has fallen off. Only label the container if you are sure of the name of the chemical. Do not guess.
  • Do not mix chemicals. Apart from making disposal difficult, you will increase the risk of being exposed to the chemical, and in extreme cases, mixing of incompatible chemicals can lead to violent chemical reactions such as fire or explosion.
  • Transport in the trunk of your vehicle or securely in the back of a truck or trailer. A fallen or leaking container may fill the interior of your vehicle with dangerous vapour.
  • Secure containers so they don't fall over or leak. Ensure lids are tightly fitted. Place containers of liquid in a tray or plastic bucket so they do not spill or fall over. Pack powders and solids securely.
  • Keep corrosive chemicals, such as battery acid, away from poisons. Keep oxidizing agents, such as peroxide, away from all other materials.
  • Avoid transporting open or leaking containers. Put into another container and make sure you label it. Moving corroded chemical containers could result in contamination of you, the storage area, or your vehicle.

Fire and Emergency Services

How do I report a fire or emergency?
In case of an emergency, call 911.

Does ERSB provide fire and emergency services in my community?
See a list of communities we service.

Who is responsible for oversight and governance of the service
Oversight and governance of the service is the responsibility of the Eastern Regional Service Board.

What happens if I call the fire department at its local number? Will they respond?
To ensure the fastest response possible in case of an emergency, please call 911.

Can the Fire Department handle all emergency calls it receives?
All operational response decisions are at the discretion of the Fire Chief, who will use the established standard operating procedures approved by the municipality in determining the appropriate action. The Fire Chief, if required, may request additional personnel, apparatus, or equipment from any private individuals or service providers, or from the next closest municipality.

In the event of two or more emergency calls at the same time, reciprocal agreements are in place with neighbouring municipalities to respond to multiple incidents.

Contact your local fire department for more information about fire and emergency response operations.

Will responders find me if I don’t have a civic number assigned to my property?
If civic addressing is not available in your community, describe your location in detail to the 911 operator when you report an emergency. The more information you provide, such as landmarks, signage, or visible structures, the greater chances are the fire department will find you quickly. Use your phone’s GPS to determine your exact location and communicate it to the 911 operator.

Will my home, cottage, or business insurance rates go up or down as a result of this change?
Policy holders are encouraged to contact their individual insurance provider to determine if this service will affect rates. Insurance-related questions of any kind can always be directed to the Insurance Bureau of Canada by calling 1-844-227-5422.

About Eastern Regional Service Board

Who is the Eastern Regional Service Board (ERSB), formerly known as Eastern Waste Management?
In 2012, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, through the Regional Services Board Act, created the Eastern Regional Service Board. Our Board consists of 20 elected municipal officials plus a Chair person appointed by the Intendant Appointments Commission.

We are a self-funded, not-for-profit organization—we don’t receive government funding.

What is the mandate of ERSB?
Our mandate is to help communities in Eastern Newfoundland provide consistent, reliable access to essential municipal services such as waste collection, fire and emergency services, and safe drinking water and wastewater programs.

Traditionally, those services were often delivered by individual towns or municipalities. But that has begun to change, and today, many of those services are delivered by a regional service board. That's because, by working together, communities can improve the overall quality of service.


  • Implement the Provincial Waste Management Strategy
  • Manage waste disposal sites, including the Robin Hood Bay Integrated Waste Management Facility, the Clarenville Transfer Station, and 10 Waste Recovery Facilities for residential bulk waste.
  • Oversee the closure of all community dumps and incinerator sites.
  • Provide emergency and fire protection services.
  • Assist communities in managing their water and wastewater treatment systems.

Where does ERSB operate?
We serve the communities and unincorporated areas from Clarenville east to St. John's, which represents approximately 280,000 people.

Fees and Payment

How does ERSB fund its operations?
Delivering consistent services across our region comes with real costs. ERSB applies a fair share model for determining fees—the cost of the service is divided equally among all households in the community or region receiving a particular service.

How are fees charged for waste management services?
All properties generate waste, so having everyone share the cost equally is the fairest solution. We have established an annual fee for all properties in the service area to access the new regional waste management system. The fee is a combination of the tipping fee for disposal at Robin Hood Bay, the cost of curbside collection and a small administrative component.

How are fees charged for fire and emergency services?
All properties with a building that are within an area where ERSB provides fire and emergency services will be subject to an annual fee. Properties are subject to the fee regardless of the condition of the building or ability of the fire department to access the property. There may also be a fee for commercial fire inspections. Please see the current fee schedule for details.

Note: A building is defined as a structure, erection, alteration, or improvement placed on, over, or under land or attached, anchored, or moored to land. Mobile structures, vehicles, and marine vessels adapted or constructed for residential, commercial, industrial, and other similar uses are also subject to the fee. Vacant land is NOT subject to the fee.

The annual fire protection and emergency services fee is specifically used for the administration and operation of the service. We collect the fee from property owners, retain an administrative allocation per property, and remit the remaining amount to the municipality.

What happens if I miss a payment?
Account holders are responsible for making payments on time. An Interest rate of 1.75% monthly (simple) will be applied to all overdue accounts from January 1, 2019 onward. An interest rate of 2% monthly (compounding) will be applied to overdue payment invoiced prior to January 1, 2019.

  • 6 weeks: A late payment reminder letter will be sent to remind you that your account is overdue.
  • 10 weeks: A second reminder letter will be sent to remind you that you must bring your account up to date to remain in good standing.
  • 14 weeks: A final notice will be sent to you demanding payment in full. If payment in full is not received after the final notice, a third-party Collection Agency may be engaged and/or small claims court.

Can I be exempted from service?
You may be eligible for an exemption from the service if one of the following instances apply to your property:

  • Property is boarded up
  • Property is not structurally sound
  • Property has no electrical connection
  • Property is vacant

Planning a move?
Owners are responsible for being aware of all fees associated with their property. Please notify us of any changes to your account as soon as possible.

