(formerly known as Bulk Waste collection)
Residents in our collection areas have access to both drop-off and curbside collection services for disposal of bulk waste.
Oversized Items Collection Days
By-Appointment Collection Areas: Bay Roberts, Carbonear and Area, Clarke’s Beach/Port de Grave Peninsula, Conception Bay Center, Trinity Conception North, Smith Sound, and Pouch Cove. The portion of Southwest Avalon that includes Riverhead, St. Mary’s, Gaskiers-Point La Haye, and St. Vincent’s-St. Stephen’s-Peter’s River, will also use the By-Appointment system.
- ERSB anticipates announcing oversized item collection dates and the opening of the appointment system in the last week of April 2025. Each household will be eligible for one collection. You will be able to book online (via our website) or by phone at that time. Dates will be posted here as they become available.
Scheduled Collection Areas: Isthmus Area, Trinity Bay South/Trinity Bay Center, Southern Shore, and Southwest Avalon—except for Riverhead, St. Mary’s, Gaskiers-Point La Haye, and St. Vincent’s-St. Stephen’s-Peter’s River.
- Please check your 2025 Collection Calendar for pickup dates.
- Oversized items collection begins on the designated day for your area. It may take a number of days for all bulk waste items to be removed from all residences. For example, furniture may be collected one day and metals on the next day.
Oversized Items (Bulk Waste) Guidelines:
- Place items at your own curb by 7 a.m. (if applicable to your collection area) on your designated bulk waste collection day. Only your household’s items should be at the curb.
- Place oversized items next to your garbage box or where waste is normally placed for weekly collection.
- Separate metal items from other bulk waste (such as furniture).
- Do not stack items.
- Waste must be accessible a
- If it can fit in a regular garbage bag, it is not oversized waste. Small, loose items that can fit in a garbage bag are for regular weekly curbside collection.
- Scattered or loose items will not be collected.
- Individual items must not exceed a maximum of 20 kg (45 lb).
- A maximum of 226 kg (500 lbs) or one pick-up load (whichever is less) will be collected from each household.
- It may take a few days for bulk items to be collected from all residences. Not all materials will necessarily be collected at once—for example, furniture may be collected on day one and metal collected the following day. It’s still important that all material is placed at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on the day collection begins.
Oversized items remaining curbside after collection is complete could result in a penalty. The cost of returning to remove the material and ensure its proper disposal will be charged to the property owner.
- Sofas, tables, chairs, and furniture
- Children's toys
- Desks and bookshelves
- Fridges (doors removed), stoves, washers, dryers, and other household appliances
- Box springs and mattresses
- Dressers and bathroom fixtures
- Carpet and flooring tied in rolls less than 1.5 m (4 ft), less than 20 kg (45 lbs)
- Doors and window boxes (glass must be removed)
- Tree limbs tied in bundles less than 1.5 m (4 ft) ,less than 20 kg (45 lbs)
- Glass, securely placed in puncture-proof packaging and marked as BROKEN GLASS
- Iron & removable car parts less than 20 kg (45 lbs) (all fluids must be removed by resident prior to collection)
- Other bulk items normally associated with a household
- Scattered or loose items, If it can fit in a regular garbage bag, it is not oversized waste. Small, loose items that can fit in a garbage bag are for regular weekly curbside collection.
- Wood over 4 ft long
- Glass that is not securely packed and marked
- Items that do not fit in a pick-up truck
- Electronics * for a full list of items go to the EPRA website link provided below as items have increased effect August 1, 2021
- Fire pits and loose ash
- Shingles and construction materials
- Vehicle parts greater than 20 kg (45 lbs)
- Tires
- Fish nets
- Car wrecks, car chassis, & frames
- Animal carcasses & special wastes
- Hazardous waste - for example: propane tanks, gas, oil, etc.
- Brick & concrete
- Earthen materials, stumps, & large trees
- Recyclables
- Excrement & liquid waste
- Biomedical waste

Illegal Dumping is a crime
Illegal dumping is a serious and unnecessary problem in Newfoundland and Labrador that poses a threat to the environment and our community.
Crime Stoppers encourages the public to report information of any suspicious activity involving the improper disposal of waste, including crimes in progress, as well as details on illegal dumpsite locations.