Waste Recovery Facility users will require an access card as of April 1. Please see Waste Recovery Facilities tab for details.

ERSB Board of Directors will meet Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at 7:00 p.m at The Capital Hotel on Kenmount Road in St. John’s.

Posted on Jan 10, 2025 | News Releases, Public Notices

October 10, 2024

Dear Mayors, Councillors, Chairpersons, Staff:

The Eastern Regional Ser vice Board (ERSB} would like to update you on the current state of our waste management services and the necessary adjustments to collection fees for 2025.

Effective January 1, 2025, the ERSB will implement a modest increase in annual household fees to ensure the continued delivery of this essential service.

As you know, the Board's curbside waste program must pay for itself in that the waste fee assessed each year must cover the costs of delivering the service. Over the past year the Board has renewed most of its contracts and costs have increased significantly. Contractors are reporting difficulties with staffing, increasing fuel costs, insurance, workers' compensation, etc. In addition, the cost of replacing their equipment has almost doubled since the pandemic. All this has impacted the prices we see when we go to market. The Board operates as not-for-profit so that the fees set cover the cost of the program only.

To improve the oversize items (bulk) collection, the Board implemented collection by appointment this year. Overall, the program went very well with minimal complaints. However, the Board did have trouble getting contractors to provide the service and, subsequently, the costs were high. The costs to deliver this service within the current fee arrangement is not possible or financially sustainable .

Therefore, as approved by the Board on October 2, 2024, the two annual fees for curbside service beginning January 1, 2025 will be as follows:

  • For contract areas that opt out of oversize items collection, the annual fee will increase by $10, from $200 to $210 per unit.
  • For contract areas continuing with an annual oversize items collection, the fee will increase by $25, from $200 to $225 per unit.

More information is provided on the enclosed Supplementary Information Sheet to inform you how we intend to assess this for each contract area. We would appreciate hearing your decision by 3 p.m., November 15, 2024.

It is essential to note that our collection fees have remained unchanged since 2022, when they were raised from $180 to $200 per household. During this period, many municipalities in the Eastern region have increased property taxes by 3% to 9%. The ERSB's proposed increase of 5% for standard curbside service is a necessary step to align with the cost-of-living adjustments experienced since
the pandemic and which everyone contends with in their daily living. When we break down the additional cost of $10 or $25 over the year for such a vital service-critical to protecting family and community health and the environment we share-it underscores our commitment to providing the best possible waste removal package.

While we understand that any increase in fees may be difficult for your community, please be assured that this decision was not made lightly, and the fee is increasing because it is absolutely necessary to cover our costs.

The fee increase also reflects the rising tipping fees at the regional landfill at Robin Hood Bay and correspondingly at the Clarenville Transfer Station. Starting April 1, 2025:

  • Tipping fee for regular waste will increase from $90.75 to $92.50 per metric tonne; and,
  • Tipping fee for recyclables will increase from $28.75 to $30.50 per metric tonne.

These adjustments are crucial to cover the escalating operational costs at the landfill.

Please note that commercial users of the Clarenville Transfer Station will pay an added $25 per metric tonne to cover the cost of transportation from the facility to Robin Hood Bay. This transportation fee is not increasing for 2025. This fee is required to cover fuel costs as well as maintenance costs incurred to transport this waste.

The significantly lower tipping fee for recyclables is why the ERSB has been working hard to encourage recycling among households, and moving to clear bags was another step to help reduce our overall tipping fees and promote sustainability. We encourage all households to recycle to keep disposal costs down for everyone.

We appreciate your understanding as we implement these necessary adjustments. Our goal remains clear: to maintain an affordable program with value-added services while enhancing the efficiency and reliability of waste management across the region.

If you, your Council, LSD Committee, or staff have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. All information about the Eastern Regional Service Board may be found on our website at: https://easternregionalserviceboard.com/.

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