Waste Recovery Facility users will require an access card as of April 1. Please see Waste Recovery Facilities tab for details.

ERSB Board of Directors will meet Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at 7:00 p.m at The Capital Hotel on Kenmount Road in St. John’s.

Water and Wastewater Operator Pilot Program

We work with communities in eastern Newfoundland to provide drinking water and wastewater services. This service is delivered as part of pilot program under the provincial government’s Community Sustainability Partnership.

Safe Drinking Water

This program helps ensure participating communities have clean and safe drinking water, particularly those experiencing issues such as long-term boil water advisories and operational challenges. As part of the program, we provide communities with training and technical resources to help operate and maintain water and wastewater systems.

The goal of the program is to help remediate water issues and lift boil water advisories. While boil water advisories are necessary to reduce the risk of water contamination and protect residents, many can be eliminated through proper operation and maintenance of existing water disinfection systems.

Participating areas in the Eastern Region:

  • Conception Bay Center: Georgetown, and Marysvale
  • Isthmus: Goobies, North Harbour, and Swift Current
  • Southern Shore: Aquaforte, Fermeuse, Ferryland, Renews-Cappahayden, Portugal Cove South, Trepassey and St. Shott’s
  • Southwest Avalon: Admiral’s Beach, Gaskiers-Point La Haye, O’Donnell’s, Riverhead, St. Joseph’s, St. Mary’s

Wastewater Programs

We can also help your community with solutions for replacing old, or extending existing municipal water and wastewater infrastructure. Contact our team for more information.

Interested in our Water and Wastewater Services?

We would be happy to chat about bringing the program to your community.

Contact Us
